Sunday, November 17, 2019


Louisiana, Plantation, America, Historically, Tree

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 Louisiana , one of the reddest of red states elected a majority Republican legislature AND a democratic governor yesterday. Contrary to the assertions of the MSM this morning the loss by the Republican candidate for governor had nothing to do with Donald Trump's repeated visits to Louisiana. The visits by the President in favor of Republican candidate is what made the governor's race so very close. The victory of Democrat John Bel Edwards would not have been possible without some Republican cross over. For once Louisiana had a choice between two good candidates.  John Bel Edwards is a different kind  democrat from anything seen in Washington today, a far cry from the AOC crowd or Pelosi et al. 

 Edwards went into office with a Republican legislature and a state budget deficit in the billions of dollars. By working with both sides of the state house he managed in four years to reverse that deficit and turn it into a 500 million dollar surplus while restoring services and programs that Louisiana's people liked. Edwards is an openly practicing Catholic who prayed in public, including for his opponent and President Trump in his victory speech. Edwards unlike the current crop of Democrats in DC is openly pro life . Edwards uses fire arms and supports the second amendment. He supports freedom of religion and does not equate it with freedom FROM religion. Edwards seems to have no problem with conservative judges or legislators. Yet Edwards is proactive on social justice. expanding Medicaid in Louisiana, reinstating the state's college scholarship program, etc. Basically Edwards hearkens back to a different time in the Democratic Party . He's from the time when the Democrats had a CENTER. He knows the difference between a liberal and a lefty socialists. He was elected to his first term due to a split in the Republican candidates that couldn't possibly give a Republican more than half of the vote. He kept his campaign promises and delivered on working with his legislature regardless of party. 
Alligator, American Alligator, Gator, Dangerous, Attack

Eddie Rispone, the Republican candidate is a business man who ran for public office for the first time and came within 1+ percent of the vote from being seated in office. Like John Bel Edwards, Rispone  is an openly practicing Catholic who prays at public gatherings. He is pro life and pro second amendment. He backs President Trump on the border wall , immigration reform, and a strong defense.

He campaigned on the fact that Edwards is a democrat and does not back the President fully on these issues which are of concern to Louisiana citizens. But Edwards has never been very public about his opposition to the border wall etc. and has visibly concentrated on Louisiana's issues. These national  issues are of importance to Louisiana citizens and the populations of the "Great Flyover States."   But in the end all politics are local. If there was one issue that probably drove the Republican just short of his goal it was taxes. Rispone was critical of Edwards for raising Louisiana's sales taxes to the highest in the nation (10%). Rispone promised not to raise taxes. BUT he articulated a policy of leaving homestead exemptions to the individual parishes vice continuing the state wide program. A decrease in the homestead exemption even if just a failure to adjust for inflation could be more expensive for Louisiana home owners than the 10% sales tax. Having the highest sales tax in the nation most voters felt that Edwards would dare not to go higher. Edwards stands behind the state wide homestead exemption. Most of the state's homeowners are Republican but home owners first. 

 As we wrote earlier John Bel Edwards , a West Point graduate and former Army air borne officer knows the difference between a liberal and a lefty collectivists. But he may be the last of his kind. The collectivists  radicals now running the impeachment circus are no where near the middle. The middle is  deserting the party in droves. All those collectivists fools tweeting all over that Trump has lost touch with his base because of narrow democratic wins in Kentucky and Louisiana are just fools. Either the collectivists and radicals go or the Democratic party collapses.

 Would John Bel Edwards ever run for national office? We think if he did, the Squad and the rest of the collectivists radicals would probably only treat him slightly better than they have treated Trump. Make no mistake lefties, Louisiana will be coming out for Trump in 2020 and he will carry all of the "Great Fly Over States". He is not the least bit damaged because of a couple of losses to democrats in certain governor's races. These were narrow races settled over local issues. Was this the final hurrah of the democratic middle? If they continue to field only collectivist lefties for Presidential candidacy it is. 

When they lose big time in 2020 will they clean out the party of collectivists, re-conquistas,  and Islamofacists?  We predict that if the Democratic party doesn't stop being delusional and radical it will fall apart in 2020. Liberals, vice radical lefties will probably develop what would be now a third party. Eventually that would become the second party but there will be many lost elections along the way, especially if they let any of the current crop of DC democrats in. To all those pundits out in Twitterville predicting the down fall of Donald Trump because of yesterday's election in Louisiana you don't live here and you don't know Jack. This was a narrow decision by an intelligent and interested electorate based on the man , and his record and platform and not his party . Unfortunately it boiled down to a choice of who will tax us less and get things done. 

Alligator, American Alligator, Gator, Amphibian

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